Movies: Sam Sobey
- 2023
Spider-Man: Dead No More (2023)
Spider-Man: Dead No More02023HD
Peter Parker is pulled into a million directions as he must find out who's behind framing him for murder, all while Scarlet Spider's big secret begins to slowly drift them apart....
- 2021
Spider-Man: Best Of Enemies (2021)
Spider-Man: Best Of Enemies02021HD
Peter Parker must decide if picking back up his responsibilities as Spider-Man and helping Scarlet Spider stop The Goblin is more important than his personal happiness....
- 2016
Spider-Man: Responsibility (2016)
Spider-Man: Responsibility02016HD
Seven months after he was bitten by the spider, Peter Parker begins to learn what it’s like to be a hero. With the help of his friend, Eric Reilly, they attempt to apprehend The Shocker, who wreaks havoc in NYC, all while trying to figure out who’s b...